While repetitive “table top” instruction in the training room provides the basic skills and “muscle memory” necessary to properly treat hemorrhage, it does not incorporate the added stress and chaos involved in real situations with real people. The goal of scenario training is to practice skills under realistic, stressful conditions of the battlefield, natural disaster, crime scene or accidents. TrueClot® Blood Simulant adds enhanced realism to scenario training and accurately mimics the characteristics of blood, including its sticky yet slippery feel, color, opacity, and, most importantly, the way that it clots especially when treated with advanced hemostatic bandages. Our wearable Inguinal Packing Trainer, Tourniquet Application Trainer and Chest Seal Application Trainer are all designed for scenario events to enhance your students’ understanding of bleeding control while managing a living patient or manikin.
TrueClot Blood Simulant and Simulated Hemostatic Gauze can be used with high-fidelity trauma manikins to simulate traumatic hemorrhage. Because TrueClot Blood Simulant is easy to clean from both skin and garments, it can also been used on live actors. Combining Blood Simulant with TrueClot Clotting Solution enables simulation of clots, and blood splatter or tissue avulsion.

The use of medical simulation has grown significantly at educational institutions, many of which now have Simulation Centers. TrueClot can be used with high fidelity patient simulators to simulate hemorrhage or combined with our Clotting Solution to create tissue avulsion and even hematomas.
TrueClot Blood Simulant has also been used to perfuse post-mortem human specimens (cadavers), where partners report realistic simulated bleeding and returning skin and other tissue to a healthy red or pink color.